Number 6 Chatsworth Rd, Prahran, has recently been renovated and transformed into a semi-professional gallery. What was once a filthy garage is now a legit as all hell gallery space where up and coming artists can showcase their work to an audience of like minded people. All of the art will be up so sale, and all of it will be affordable - There is a $60 sale price limit on any one piece of art.
Grand opening is on Friday the 4th of November from 6pm to 9pm. Come down, have a drink, check out some rad art and music. Also, follow the Chatsworth Gallery facebook to find out more and keep updated.
Grand opening is on Friday the 4th of November from 6pm to 9pm. Come down, have a drink, check out some rad art and music. Also, follow the Chatsworth Gallery facebook to find out more and keep updated.